Official Minutes of the Annual Meeting
of the West Kentucky Alumni Association

Kappa Alpha Order, Delta Nu Chapter

Saturday, October 9, 2004
KenLake Lodge • Aurora, KY

6:25 PM – Meeting called to order by President Stewart Young.   Roll call with 31 members present.   Minutes from ’03 were read and approved by the chapter.

Report on Provisional Chapter: No. I  Michael Luckens reported 30 members inducted into provisional chapter - meeting minimum required by National.  All obligations for the provisional were to be met by Oct. 11, 2004.  Grades have not yet been approved.  Harris Bowers made request for Alumni volunteers to be speakers at regular provisional chapter meetings.

Treasurers Report:  (Revised to reflect 12/31/2004 values):   Checking account balance is $2,696.15 and current value of Certificate of Deposit is $1,883.19.    Total of $4,579.34 in Western Ky Alumni Association funds.  Dues and contributions collected totaled $2,265. 

Housing Corporation:  Craig Bailey reported approximately $63,000 to $66,000 in Housing Corp’s account.  Housing Corp will meet again in the Spring to firm plans of how to help chapter in best possible way with Housing Corp $.  David Ruth suggested that Housing Corp should at least consider consensus of opinion from Alumni Association with respect to these plans.  It was agreed that several opinions and options should be considered and that alumni association should have input -- Not yet determined best way to make this happen.  Paul Butterworth suggested rental of a house initially would be more desirable than purchasing.

Special Order of Business:  Election of new members to Housing Corporation to replace expiring terms.  New board members are Eddie Duvall, Bruce Marvin, and Jim Goode.

Old Business:  Brother Mark Lobstein  had not yet been reimbursed for 2003 Cussin’ Duffer expenses.  Motion made, seconded and carried to reimburse him ASAP.

New Business:  Discussed initiation  of provisional chapter—target date in March.   Gross Magee reported on provisional chapter status and conversation with Jesse Lyons.   Buel Stalls also added comments.    Motion made by Eddie Duvall, seconded, and passed to make contribution of $200 to the Kevin Graham Memorial fund.

Voluntary Remarks: Results of golf tournaments announced, Recognition of cooks & organizers of weekend events.  Announced that brother Mark Graham had been promoted to Brigadier General.  

SPECIAL RECOGNITION to Gross Magee for his efforts and time with the Provisional Chapter.

Election of New Officers: Current officers elected to second term (Stewart Young, Pres;  Harris Bowers, V.P. and Social Chairman; Kimber Barton, Treasurer (and somewhat incompetent Secretary)

Adjourned – 7:40 PM

Submitted by Kimber L. Barton, Secretary

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